I am stoked… I may have mentioned in the past that my church has a brewer’s group. Once a month we get together to cook up a batch or two of home-brewed beer and to sample the previous batches and have a little dinner and fellowship. We’re pretty diverse in what we make – in the past 3 months we’ve made a Scottish Ale, an Alaskan Amber Ale clone we called “Plastic Moose”, a Mead, a Belgian Ale with rock candy in it, a Wheat Beer… the list goes on and on.
I just got done speaking with the folks at Coopers Beer Making Kit’s AKA MakeBeer.net and they are going to send me one of their Complete IPA (India Pale Ale) Packages to test drive… or brew… or drink… or whatever. I’m pretty excited to see how this holds up with my harder core brewing buddies – who are leery having tried a competitive product targeted at beginning brewers in the past with bad results.
Stay tuned for updates.