Sipping Cider, Magners Irish Cider

Magners Irish Cider

Magners Irish Cider (Yum-o!)

In the fall of the year, I always think back to harvest time as a child. Working to bring in a crop in the final heat of summer and the first cool of autumn always bring me good thoughts. I seem to recall being very thirsty at the time, too.

I opened a pint bottle of Magners Irish Cider the other day to give it a try. It came with a classy piece of glassware to drink it in, too, and I don’t mean the bottle. Magners is the same as Bulmers Cider, found in the Republic of Ireland, and both are manufactured by Bulmers Ltd. So, if you have tried one, then the other should be a familiar friend.

With the perfect glass to use, all I needed was a little ice and to pour. The cider bubbled out into the glass with a pink, peachy color that was very different from what you might expect from ordinary apple juice. The taste reminded me very much of a light blush wine, easy to sip and enjoy or take the edge off on a hot day. I suppose this isn’t surprising when you realize the production process is similar in ways to the production of wine.

Magners cider is not a pasteurized product. Instead, after the cider has matured in oak vast for a several months, it goes through several filtering processes, blending, and carbonating. The majority of apples, all 17 varieties used, are grown in the Magners’ Orchards in Clonmel with more apples coming from the Republic of Ireland and a substantial portion of Northern Ireland’s crop.

Although it is a ‘hard’ cider, the alcohol content is not overwhelming. If anything, it seemed quite light but past experience with ciders reminds me that they can hit harder than you might think. In other words, even though the cider lacks the bitter, hoppy flavor of a strong ale this delicious fruity drink can still kick your butt if you aren’t paying attention.

Not a big beer drinker? Give it a try. Enjoy fruity wines? You’d like this, too. Cheers!