Whoops! Domino’s gives away a lot of dough

Looks like someone wasn’t watching the pizza oven!

According to an article today from the Associated Press, some intrepid web customer discovered that the unpublished coupon code “BAILOUT” worked to get a free medium pizza on their online ordering system.

Apparently, the code was from a scrapped marketing idea, but ended up in the system anyway, most likely from an overworked, underpaid tech just trying to stay ahead of the game. Unfortunately, their premptive coding cost Domino’s 11,000 pizzas in about 24 hours. Yep, that’s right – eleven THOUSAND pizzas.

If you were thinking about cashing in on this promo, I’m sorry, but you’re too late. The code has already been deactivated, but I did want to point out one neat little feature this brought to my attention. You can order your pizza online!

pizzaguysNow, I recently did this with our local pizza place, The Pizza Guys, about 2 weeks ago. I was exhausted, Joel was out at band practice and the kids and I couldn’t decide on dinner (hotdogs, AGAIN?). We were getting in the car on the way home from errands and I decided pizza would solve the problem. I got on their website from my phone (yay technology) to get their phone number and noticed that I could actually order my pizza online! While the kids got situated and buckled up in the car, I typed in our address, selected what we wanted and placed the order. Swung by the pizza place on the way home and it was already waiting for us, piping hot. I felt like a rock star…walked in, bypassed the line of other tired parents and weekday warriors, grabbed our pies and left. I had already paid online, so there was no waiting at all.

Totally. Freaking. Awesome.

Table for one. . .

We all have to do it from time to time. A lunch alone. Dinner by yourself.  Whether you are single, dating, married, have a ton of kids with activities hither and yon, empty nesters…every once in awhile you have a meal alone.

So what do you eat?

Most people I know will high tail it to the closest drive through or chinese take out or make that somber pilgrimage into a restaurant for a table for one, but frankly if you have to do it on a regular basis that’s hard on the budget, the arteries and the waistline. Lord knows I’ve done my share of staring blankly at a pantry of stuff when it’s only a meal for myself bemoaning the fact there’s nothing to eat and grouchily settling on oatmeal with an ice cream chaser. (Yes, it ain’t pretty! No, I’m not doing that any more.) It’s not any fun.

Better solution…cooking for one.

If you flip through a modern cook book, a lot of recipes are for 4-6 people and make a ton of food, which is fine if you have other people to help with the leftovers. But if you’re just looking for an entree and a side for one, you don’t need to toss the cookbook in a pique of dining rage. You just need to find something that will work. Look for recipes that are made in a single skillet and are easily divided. Check out the appetizers and party food sections for things that are easily made in small amounts. If you are lucky enough to have a cookbook from the 50s, look for a section specifically for dining for two…many of them have great recipes and tips.

Be sure to stock up on a few staples too such as individually frozen chicken breasts and various frozen mixed vegetables. Frozen fish fillets are good too and you can find them individually frozen many places now as well. I always try to keep a few things on hand in the fridge too…having apples, carrots, celery, broccoli, onions and garlic available makes just about any dinner simpler.

So here’s a pair of great recipes for all those times you really don’t want to deal with the drive through on the way home or just for something nice to have on those nights when everyone else is off doing their own thing and you have to eat by yourself.

Fish en Papillote – fancy talk for fish in parchment (or tinfoil!)

1 frozen lean fish fillets (perch, sole, just about any white fish)
1 C frozen mixed vegetables (broccoli, carrots & cauliflower)
1/4 tsp dill
salt & pepper
1 TBSP white wine (leftovers work fine if you don’t feel like opening a new bottle, or get a nice bottle of kitchen wine)

Do this on a cookie sheet lined with foil. Very little clean up that way! Heat oven to 450. Place the fish on a 12 inch square of foil and top with the vegetables, dill, salt, pepper and wine. Fold up foil and seal edges to hold in the steam. Bake about 35 minutes on a cookie sheet or until vegetables are done and fish flakes with a fork.

You can do this in parchment paper too, but rather than a square, you’ll need to cut the parchment in a heart shape. Brush the parchment with oil and put everything on one side of the heart, fold over the other half and roll the edge to seal.

This recipe is -very- versatile as well, just multiply and make enough packets for however many people you’re having over for dinner. It’s also crazy easy for camping and cooking over coals.

Maple Syrup Apples & Carrots – great with a nice pork chop or chicken

1 medium carrot, sliced
1 medium apple, sliced thinly (hint…slice like you would a potato,  then cut out and discard the centers)
1 TBSP butter
2 TBSP maple syrup
1/4 tsp cardamom (use nutmeg if you don’t have cardamom handy)

Heat about an inch of water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add carrots, cover and heat to boiling then reduce to a simmer. Simmer 12 to 15 minutes or until tender, but not overcooked and smushy. Drain. While carrots cook, heat butter in a skillet over medium heat. Cook apple wedges in butter for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in syrup and spice and cook for an additional 3-5 minutes stirring frequently until apples are evenly coated. Stir in carrots.

What’s your favorite thing to make when you are dining alone?

Big City Slider Station – now I can make sliders at home

God only knows why, but I was watching late night TV last night and was actually confronted with a commercial for a product that I was intrigued by and might just have to pick up.  I was jarred from my semi-slumber by renowned high-volume pitchman Billy Mays (he of the “Just for Men” beard) yelling that I simply had to buy the Big City Slider Station


I started to think… since I am married with a couple of young kids… I don’t get to go out drinking, and subsequently seeking “sliders” all that much anymore, so it would be a hell of an idea to get this kitchen weapon that allows me to make my own “sliders” at home… or worse yet – get my kids hooked on these addictive little mini-burgers.

If you ( like me before the first time I went to Michigan and experienced my first White Castle “bag of 10” ) have no idea what the heck a “slider” is – it’s a mini-burger… on a mini-bun, usually accompanied by (and cooked on top of some mini-onions, with some mini-cheese on top if I have my way.  Purportedly, with this kitchen weapon of mass destruction,  you just heat up the bottom pan, drop in some ground beef, turkey, chicken, possum, etc.,  then press with the top half of the pan to flatten, and within a couple of minutes – voila – perfect slider goodness (thanks to the heat circulating action formed by the 2 part pan.)  Of course – since this is your standard “late night TV” offer there are freebies including a cookbook, a measuring spoon ( would be number 84 for me I think) and a “prep slicer” so I can cut my onions in perfect dice.

It kills me to admit it, but I am tempted to buy one of those things, which may result in me being struck by lightening or something since I am sure that I vowed at some point to never buy any product hawked by this screaming a-hole.

Rules are meant to be broken I guess.

A note to the fine folks at Severn Marketing – I would love to review one of these things…. a free one to play with and write up just might save my life.

Happy eating!


UltimateFoodie.com is coming to Boston

Boston Skyline

Karen, Joel and I will be coming to Boston in August for Affiliate Summit and we need some help.

With what you ask?   Well, we need your recommendations for the dining experiences in Boston that we just shouldn’t miss.   So – if you are a local, or just someone who has had a memorable meal in Boston,  tell us about it.   Here’s what we’d like to hear about from you:

  • What is the best seafood restaurant?
  • What’s the best steak house?
  • What is the most quintessentially Boston place to eat and drink?
  • What is the best “local joint” to grab a beer and a meal, or just a quick bite?

We’d love to hear from you.  If you have some suggestions, please comment below.

Bon Appetit!
